Be Guided

on your Journey to Freedom

Seeing things in a different way
changes thoughts, feelings and actions, and moreover, your re-actions to life circumstances and events.
Thát is the turning point to get different outcomes.
And I'm your GUIDE for different,

Better, Health Outcomes

Find New Identity

Uncover hidden beliefs you are used to identify with and create new ones that represent your own truths. Let go of what you've learned from others about who you are or what you're 'supposed' to be. Get to know who you really are!

Make Deliberate Decisions

Master the art of being Responsive instead of Reactive and create your own Response-abilty to instruct your Brain towards Health. Otherwise, the Brain keeps having a Mind of its' own. 

Master Vitality Skills as a Habit

Make new habits that are energy giving and shed those that are depleting you of it. Get the skills to make sure your cells regenerate & rejuvenate and provide you with youthful exuberance.

Set course for your Desired Future

Learn to carefully entertain thoughts and actions TODAY, because these are Outcomes TOMORROW. Setting course is knowing what is really important to you. Live Life on your own terms!

Getting Personal Training

means intentionally unfolding what´s already in store for you


Having a Guide is not about analyzing problems. Because, we focus on Solutions. Solutions that aren´t circumstantial. We let them surface from the inside.

Guidance isn´t about solving trauma either. Because, we do not look at what was, not even at what is. That is old news. We look to what will be.

Guidance with a personal trainer is an influential process directed towards Reversing Chronic Disease with personal growth as an inevitable side effect.

Each personal training session is customised to who you are (not your type of Chronic Disease), and outcome based every single time. These sessions build in a structured way with distinct steps to better Health and on top of that feel and be your best!

See iT Think iT DoiT Personal Training


Shed your negative moods, insecure outlook, fatigue, pains and Chronic Disease

Re-Create your wellbeing, zest for life, control over your Health and personal growth



Health Transformation Cycle

We're not going to dig into the past experiences,
revisit them time and again
to have you work through them.


Instead, we'll have highly structured interactive sessions that build on one another in a way so you can

Increase your Wellbeing & Zest for Life
Raining Inner Strength,
Connecting to who you really are & what you really want
Detach from daily contrasting events.


to Live our Life to the Fullest
Feel our Best
Be our Best


In 12 sessions we'll have 12 clear results and cover one full Transformation Cycle.

You'll gain new Clarity, Insights, Knowledge, Personal Expansion and of course, significant Health Improvement.

The interactions are made to take inspired action immediately! And, by consciously taking these actions, new habits are formed that make your new results lasting.


The 4 C's & the 4 D's

A fast track to Miraculous Transformation

The basic format of the Sessions is set up by the 4 C's:


During the Check-in, I'll teach a bit about the Session Topic, like why it is relevant an how it matters to your Health.

The Challenge part is the most essential and self-exploring segment, and takes about 30 minutes. Here you do the talking;-) since you already know answers. I'll just guide you to retrieve them by leading you through the 4 D's. Maybe my guidance can be a bit challenging. Being Challenged should be a little uncomfortable, since you're being pushed to visit unknown mind places or to ask yourself some harder questions. Yet, it's never about being held accountable for your decisions, or about discipline or willpower. It is about seeing a different future for yourself.

Depending on what pops-up during the Challenge segment, I'll bring new Concepts, Frameworks, Insights, Methods and Exercises in the Content segment to help you achieve your new goals of this Session.

Then we'll Conclude the Session by re-iterating the newly set Goals. re-iterating the methods to achieve them and bridge to next Sessions' Topic.


The Challenge is guided by the 4 D's:

Discovery - You'll discover new things about yourself
Decide - You decide what's beneficial to you and what you want to have different
Determine - You determine how you go forward
Detach - You relate new goals to your bigger Desires, Meaning & Purpose



Just You & Me


The virtual 1:1 Guidance is designed in 12 distinct steps based on our SeeiTThinkiTDoiT Transformation Strategy.



Three phases for real Transformation:


SEE IT Understanding exactly what Chronic Disease is and why it develops. Current Beliefs are pushed by past decade research studies to create new Health paradigms.

THINK IT Using your Mind -meaning your Thoughts, Feelings & Behavior- to instruct your brain for Health re-creation. Current Thoughts are challenged towards the Breakthrough for sustained Health improvements.

DO IT Make deliberate Conscious Choices to create new neural pathways and make Health a Habit.

Manage your Training Sessions as you wish

You can Schedule and manage your Sessions in a few clicks, so you can schedule and reschedule with ease.


You can take your own pace with the Session intervals. Usually, the best outcomes are achieved with weekly to bi-weekly sessions. 

Get Started with a Guide

Changing Beliefs and Habits do not happen overnight. Having a Guide with a Map helps you to realize Health Outcomes faster, as no detours are on the path.

12 Training Sessions


3 Monthly Payments

  • Practice to take charge so you're up for the Transformation needed to reverse Chronic Disease
  • Enjoy a lifeline to directly implement what you'll learn
  • Revel in a positive space that encourages you to discover your sources of low-grade inflammation
  • Experience personal deep-dives in 12 Training Sessions following a structured, outcome-based framework
  • Learn to pave a straight path to better Health
  • Schedule at your own time & pace
  • Use payment plan of 3 monthly payments
  • Comes with a risk-free trial: 14-day investment payback if you decide this guidance is not for you




Invest in 12 Personal Training Sessions to Start & Accelerate

12 Training Sessions


Pay in Full

  • Save USD 994,-
  • Get an extra mini-training on Anti-Inflammatory Foods & Drinks
  • Get an extra Anti-Inflammatory Easy Homecooking e-Book
  • Practice to take charge so you're up for the Transformation needed to reverse Chronic Disease
  • Enjoy a lifeline to directly implement what you'll learn
  • Revel in a positive space that encourages you to discover your sources of low-grade inflammation
  • Experience personal deep-dives in 12 Training Sessions following a structured, outcome-based framework
  • Learn to pave a straight path to better Health
  • Schedule at your own time & pace
  • Comes with a risk-free trial: 14-day investment payback if you decide this guidance is not for you
Invest in 12 Personal Training Sessions to Start, Boost & Accelerate

Never ever question what is 'right' for you again

Accelerate your Health Journey with a Guide