We appreciate your trust in us to help you in your journey to better Health. We want to assure you that we take the protection of your (personal) information very serious. We also take your business with us very serious. On this page you''ll find our Policies, the Terms of Service and Health Outcome Disclaimer we and you (including you representing an organization) agree with in our interactions. At the start of these interactions, you may be asked to agree with the Terms. Therefore, please read these carefully.

We will never ask to share your medical data and medical story with us and we encourage you not to share this information voluntary, as these are types of data that are protected by law.


Here are the links to the legal agreements:


To read the TERMS OF SERVICE click here


To read the PRIVACY POLICY click here


To read the HEALTH OUTCOME DISCLAIMER click here



Contact Us

If you have any questions about our Terms or Policies please contact us at [email protected]