Greetz Everyone, I'm Hilda.


I've struggled a long time finding a Solution for Chronic Diseases.

I call myself a Health Geek hooked on Scientific Knowledge (yes, I am a Health Researcher). I'm a Guide for people on their Journey to Reverse Chronic Diseases & Burnout by treating the Causes. I'm not a medical doctor (I hold a PhD in Quantum Chemistry), but I do have the expert knowledge on Chronic Disease and on Personal Transformation. That is a critical combination for a Guide. But way more important: I Care. I care a lot, because

I experienced first-hand how life changes

at the same pace as Chronic Disease progresses

While life cán be exuberant, joyful and exciting. I care about improving mental- & physical Health for everyone who wants to live life on their own terms on this beautiful planet, the way that I do.



For over 25 years I have been a Researcher on the Causes of and Solutions for Chronic Diseases. Because of a big Fear. The Fear of not having control over Health and therefore, over Life.

Both my parents suffered a plethora of Chronic Diseases for as long as I can remember. I desperately wanted to help them, not only to relieve their burden, but also to boost their quality of Life. Chronic Disease ruled their day-to-day life, like working around impediments, doctors' visits, pain and lack of resources to name a few. And often, it directed my days as well. Inasmuch as, No one has Chronic Disease alone. It impacts the days of the ones who care, too. A lot.

The idea I was told is that Chronic Disease just comes around as 'Bad Chance' or because of 'Bad Genetics', and there is nothing we can do about it.  That would leave us powerless over our Health. I could not accept that. That seemed very unfair and unequal.

Now I know,  we can direct Health.


is a developed personal trait.

It took me years and years to get a hang of it.

Today, I don't even recognise the girl I used to be.


It is most natural to React to our life situations. Reacting a lot however, makes us feel losing control over our lives, like we barely can keep up. Since Reacting usually is about avoiding trouble instead of deliberately creating wanted outcomes, our reactions are hardly ever a match to our standards for good enough.

I was 37 when I had a severe Burnout. And although I recovered from the Burnout quite quickly, it had long-lasting mental- and physical effects.


I was projecting Burnout to myself,

as if I wasn't good enough


Besides this isn't a very nice place to be, I learned these feelings can be fiercely harmful too. In my early research, it showed that the brain often takes negatively reacting as a threat and uses all its' powers to get rid of it. This misinterpretation causes low grade inflammation that in turn causes harm to our cells and tissues.

Negative feelings is one of the main reasons Burnout & Chronic Disease starts

Evidently, I didn't want thát to happen, instead, I wanted to design my life towards my little and my big dreams in Perfect Health. It took a lot of focus to Respond in a way towards this desired life, rather than Reacting to where I was.

Taking Responsibility for our own circumstances and Wellbeing is a crucial step for all personal growth and improving all life situations. Research not only indicates this direct relation between developing Response-ability and Personal Transformation. It directly leads to better Health. I know it did a lot, a lot, for me. Creating my own conditions that are right for me makes me healthier and, a different girl. Directing Health is part of Directing Life. And, Directing Life is part of Directing Health


I want to live life on my own terms and help éveryone who's up to that too

Let's get Social!

Medical Care is super in treating Symptoms.

And where THEIR abilities stop, WE have to start.


Medical Care does a wonderful job treating Symptoms. Let's acknowledge and appreciate that. Medical Care makes a huge difference in many, many lives. However,

There is only ONE person in the world who can do something about the

Causes of Chronic Disease & Burnout

and that is YOU


You may need a Guide,

and that could be Me!


Click here if you want a direct route to reverse Chronic Disease
Click here if you are a Medical Doctor and you want to shed Burnout