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‘Following the News’ – why I stopped doing that 20 year ago

happiness health kindness medication mindboss Jan 13, 2020

When I moved to the US for a couple of years, I totally disconnected from the Dutch news sharing in the Netherlands. Yes, I was watching the news in the USA, like CNN instead. Well, couldn’t miss that, as it is broadcasted all over the place, in hotels, at client offices, in restaurants. And also, on my Best Buy 70” I thought could only be bought in Texas.

I was surprised by the plethora of crimes and drama, but what was shocking to me the most were the ads on medical check-ups and medication. Sad faces, dramatic music and the pictured inabilities support the ‘what if’ scenarios, scaring people to the doctors and pharmacies.

Scaring is dangerous. Not because of the potential threat you need to be scared of. Not at all. It will probably not happen at all. It is dangerous because the anxiety in general sends fear signals to the body. The body answers with defense. And it may be dangerous because the specific anxiety about the topic (read: symptoms!) focusses our thoughts around it and your body may believe it as an instruction. Scaring is scary.

Why would you spend your valuable time and energy in the drama sharing of the media? When I came back to the Netherlands, I watched media again, after a break of 4 years or so. Nothing really changed. The same drama. Different faces, different faces. Same drama.

Most of us look at media, newsfeeds, advertisement out of habit. But you don’t have to. You can make a conscious choice. To watch or not to watch, that’s the question. The thing is, nobody ever gets better when you join the drama. Spreading negativity by talking about it, giving your opinion, we worsen it for ourselves and our planet. Where attention goes, energy flows.

Kindness and happiness are what we need to share. Be a MindBoss and choose.

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