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5 simple ways that builds defenses by your own Powerhouse!

chronic disease disease energy health immunity Mar 23, 2020

Our greatest good is not money. It is not our beautiful home. And it even is not toilet paper. Although I must admit I was misled for a moment looking at the excessive focus on groceries this past week. Intoxicating. Maybe I was wrong about our greatest asset after all. But I came to senses again. I hope you did too.

What we really value most, and for a reason, is our Health. So what we need to focus on right now is not piling up stuff, it is piling up immunity. Not many amongst us know how to raise their own immunity other than taking a vitamin c pill and care for good sleep. So if this is you, please read on. Because it is important.

Boosting immunity is not only important to protect ourselves against a virus, or limit spreading it around. It is important because when we are exposed we build antibodies in our body, in order to protect ourselves. But by doing so, we build community immunity as well that enables us to go through this phase of semi- or full quarantine faster. It is really important for the planet to increase your individual immunity!

You are hardwired for health, so your body does the work automatically when you let it. Here are 5 simple ways that instantly boosts your immune system. BOOSTS. Instantly. Not as a whoo-whoo maybe thing. No, this is all research. So, let’s do this together!

  1. Plow your negative energy (like anxiety) into something positive. You can only use your energy once. What if this is the time to do thát one thing that has been in the back of your mind for some time? What if the right time is now to use your creative energy to manifest something you dream of?

Or what if you could see that this unwanted situation we’re in brings a lot of positive things as well? We are all touched in some way by the planetary situation, and there are numerous ways to look at it. Sharing songs from the balconies in Italy is absolutely fun. And being reminded we cannot take life as it is for granted makes us appreciate more. Caring for and  connecting with others in different ways are expressions of kindness.

The science behind this is that you cannot focus your attention at creation or feel appreciation and worry at the same time. Any stressed-based energy lowers immunity and any love-based feeling gives it a boost. What would be more beneficial for you and the world?


  1. Anxiety is proven to lower your immunity instantly. So stop it. If you hold this energy (or any resistant fear-based energy) for a longer period, the body will move into chronic inflammation. Please avoid this as much as you can because you are stressing out your defense systems. We are all human, and anxiety is part of our game. But not part of a continuous game. It seems hard to let go of anxiety or fear, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are some practical tools:
    1. Alert yourself when you have a fear-based thought. Learn to be conscious of your thoughts. When you become aware of any negative thought, pause for at least 3 seconds. Then, realize it is a thought that you make yourself. Distant from it. It can still be there but you do not own it any longer.
    2. Feel if you can locate the negative thought in your body. If so, embrace it with loving feelings and nurture that part with your hands and attention. Again, this is a shift in attention from worry to loving kindness and increases immunity.
    3. Breath for a minute a bit deeper than normal and focus on the breathing. Make sure you inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Besides this breathing quiets your mind, it also brings here and now reality to the top of your mind. That reduces the anxiety chemicals in your body. Great trick, easy to do.
    4. Decide upon a good feeling mind picture (like a nice holiday, someone you love, a pet or a family gathering). Then mindhack your negative thoughts by replacing this good feeling picture in your mind instead. Your brain works with pictures, especially the reptile- and limbic part of the brain. These brain parts do not distinguish what is real or imaginary, that’s why you can feel real anxiety while danger is not present. You can feel real joy as well with your favorite mind picture. Thát is a boost for your immunity!
    5. Remind yourself a fear is a thought and a thought is not reality. At least not yet, not now. It is useless to worry about something you cannot control. That is wasted energy. If you can control it, do what you can do so there is no need to worry. The absence of worry brings the body back into homeostasis, providing for a healthy immune function.


  1. Do a breathing exercise twice a day and any time when you feel tired, stressed or worried. Breathe in through your nose deeper than usual and exhale through your mouth. Imagine an 8 on its side and let your breath follow this ꚙ curve with closed eyes from upper left to lower right, then upper right to lower left. Just breathe this infinity sign with the left side as an inhale and the right side as an exhale. This helps to get a smooth, regular rhythm in your breath. A smooth, regular, deeper breath for a couple of minutes assists in gaining immunity via an increased heart rate variability. A great way to gain clarity before an exam or public speaking as well!

When you do this for about 15 minutes as a meditation (preferably with your eyes closed) each day, you measurably raise immunity fast. Yes, only 15 minutes. Incredible.


  1. Do spine rotation exercises regularly during the day. Rotate your body to the left and to the right around the axis of your spine (with attention and care!) while sitting or standing straight keeping both feet hip with apart. Just a couple of times during the day. Secondly, stand straight and bend your spine by bringing your hands to your feet. When standing straight again, salute the sun with both hands, allowing your back to arch back a little. Carefully roll your body down and up use these two positions. You stimulate your internal vagal nerve with spine rotations, which reduces inflammation and depression. By the way this is also helpful to reduce headaches and glucose levels in the blood.


  1. Mind your food! Many foods are medicine indeed. Basically, plant-based whole foods choices, wisely decided for (meaning no fries with vegan mayo every day!) 8o% of the time will boost your immunity! And, specific foods or components of them powerfully influences immune defense. Like walnuts, strawberries, pomegranates, salmon, oranges, blueberries, white mushrooms, broccoli, garlic, curcuma (with a little pepper). And drink plenty of green tea. Even so important, reduce your sugar intake, including other sweeteners like fructose corn syrup and aspartame. You can use a bit of honey instead if you cannot do without super sweet. Sugars compromise the immune system big time! If you are interested in the science behind food as a medicine please visit Dr. Greger at or have a look at Dr. William Li’s book ‘Eat to beat disease’. I am not affiliated with them, it is just a suggestion because these guys are great scientists.


You can do this! And remember, it is not about masking thoughts and feelings by positive thinking. It is deliberately choosing to quiet the fear-based thoughts and having an appreciative attitude by choice. Boss your mind and choose wisely so your body will raise immunity as fast as immediately. It is what we can do and must do for ourselves and the planet.

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